As a rather average guitarplayer with the background in Beatles, I natuarly hoped that one day I would become a great player. How many of us have shared the same dream. to be as good as, or even better then our idolds, like George Harrison, Chet Atkins, Les Paul, Jimi Hendrix, Clapton, HB Marvin and all the other great players.
I was soon to realise that among 1000 good guitarplayers there was less then one, that was actually something special. Anyway I kept on playing, and met other guitarplayers as good as, and natuaarly much better then I was-am.
starting a rock band in the 60-ies was often a couple of freinds starting the band. Often the one with less experiance of bassplaying was the one to fulfill this as we thought not so important part of the band. today I know much better, a band need a good drummer, an even better bassplayer and the rest is no problems.
After a struggle in search for bassplayer to my band PBP in the beguinning of 1990 We did meet with a brilliant bassplayer. A bit shye he was, but God how he could make his own made basses sound. The hole band was amazed by his skills and natuarly we offered him a part of the band. A part that He ssaid, alright Ill do one gig with you, youre not good enough.
The gig went okey and everybody was happy. Unfortinutly the band fell apart and went in to a state of coma for a couple of years. While Peter the great bassplayer possibly started to play with other bands.
In his sparetime he also buildt a couple of really nice bass-guitars. Exellent guitars that may be worth a fortune at this very moment. I dont know if He ever sold any of them, but for sure they was as his skill in playing em. Exelllent!!
Unfortinutly Peters life turned to a different direction, by now the Swedish Courts are to decide if Peter is to be found guilty of a couple of murders. Anyway, He might be found in a jail somewhere building new, and playing on His great basses.
all guitars & pictures (C) Peter Mangs