måndag 24 september 2012

the art of noice

There´s no doubt about, the so called Studio of mine is pure pleasure. The small guesthouse formely used as a storageroom, was to when we moved in used for carparts. Almost a ton of old parts filled the house. 

Until the day when me love Lise-lott asked me why I didnt convert the guesthouse to a musicstudio.

As You already seen here on different pics, suddenly the guesthouse was my studio. A studi in constant change, where music gadgets is connected to each others in hope to create a possibility for making music.

All in all hours been spent och soldering cables, to properly connect all the electronic parts together. 

But what was it about Good Soil that God gave us? Somehow He seam to have ginven me bad soil (bad earth) somewhere among all those cables and gadgets theres a bad noicy earth connection, that make the whole system sound bad. Lucky for me theres some kind of noicereduction system included in my AudaCity music studio program. But I would rather have the whole system silent from the start. 

So today I spent a couple of hours re-routing all cables, moving the best mixer unit in to the controlroom. all with the hope that the noice would dissapere. But someone up there possibly told me, dont even think about such an easy sollution. so the search goes on until a sollution is found.

In hope to test the, well new system layout I recorded a song, one of me all time favorites. And after several attemts to play everything right (havnt yet understand how to cut pieces out and replace them) so my way  of doing the job is exactly the same as when I use a reel to reel taperecorder.

Then its was time to play a bassline, a natural struggle (Im no bassplayer) but after app 10 test it sounded fair, if not even good. Even if I while listening to the recorded channels could hear some kind of reverb that wasnt included. Might be caused by the room and all speaker cabs, I use a microphone in front of the huge basscabinet. So tomorrow new test is scedeled.

The problem seams to be solved. On the other hand in me colelction of gadgets I already told about the new Fuzz-boz. The Burns Buzzaround Clone (the original are extremly rare and one was sold a couple of monthes ago at 5500,oo$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I built me clone me self with assistans from an electronic freind.

Maybe something weird happened today. Was connected to NuMuBu a Canadian-International site for musicians. Listen to a woman singing such a fantastic ballad. Sounded almost like randy Crawfford.

 It made me think about one of me songs, and how it may sound if She sing it? A mail to her where I told that I liked her song and also asked if she might be interessted in my songs. 

A couple of hours later I got a mail answer from Califorina where She said she would be happy to listen and eventually record my songs, if she found a liking to them. so next step will be to send her the lyrics and an mp3 song.

fingers crossed.....

torsdag 6 september 2012

"new - old sound"

In a way I seam to have missed Great artist like Jimi Hendrix. Those guys made their guitars sound awful (at least that was what I thought during that time), 

I did prefer the clean guitar sound of players like Chet Atkins, Les Paul and why no Hank B Marvin. Often with loads of echo as a part of their sound.

So what happens, the Youngster become´s a Man, hmm partly an old Man and suddenly their seam to be an urgent need in his own guitar sound for DISTORTION!!!!!! 

Somehow I ended up with a Behringer Bass Over Drive, conected it to me guitars and there it was, for me a new sound. Not the perfect sound that kept ringing in my ears, but at least something similar. The gadget was set up to give only a small part of distortion.

The Bison guitar plugged to the OverDrive and then a lead to me Burns Orbit amp. But something in this chain of sound seaméd to be wrong. Suddenly I remembered that even Burns did produce a distortion pedal, or a Fuzz box as it was often called during the 60-ies.

So I started to search for everything that was written about this box. The Burns Buzzaround, already the name of the gadget seamed perfet for my purpose. I found pictures of the real thing but also pictures and electronic schematics that would make it possible to make my own "Buzzaround" Clone.

Even if once upon a time my electronic skills was great, today it scare´s the hell out of me to even try solving an electronic fault. So a call to my electronic freind PEO was made, maybe he could help. Sent him the schematics and got a quick answer. 

-Well I do have everything you need, and I did solder the parts together. IT SOUND LIKE SHIT!!!!! YOU DONT WANT THIS GADGET CONNECTED TO YOUR GUITAR, DO YOU?

So in the meantime I constructed a nice suitible box looking at least partly as the orginal box. Painted it with original Double Six grey metallic paint (Daimler D6 that is) and in a short while the box looked really nice. 

To end it of I even put a Burns badge on top of the thing!
The holes for the three controls have not yet been drilled. It also seam to be in need of a flashy "BUSSAROUND" sticker in front.

Hopefulle the electronics will arrive next week and I will have my first opportunity in life to play me guitar with the sound of an Original Burns Buzzaround.


 The original from the 60-ies has even found an Original Clone if the form a the Burns Buzzaround made app 2000.