fredag 24 februari 2017

Signature Guitar´s ! ! ? ?

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What´s going on in the world of guitar´s? You as well as I may ask. For year´s your favorite artist have been playing a certain brand-style of guitar. that make´s you walk in to the shop to buy a similar. 

Fender Stratocaster / 
Buddy Hollie, Hank B Marvin, Eric Clapton, SRV, Yngvie Malmsten, 

Gibson LesPaul /
Les Paul & Mary Ford, Gary Moore, Billy gibson, Randy rhodes, Jimmy Page, 

Gibson ES345 / 
BB King, Chuck Berry, Larry Carlton, Alvin Lee, Dave Grohl, 

Gretsch country Gentleman - Gibson Tennesee Rose /
Chet Atkins,  George Harrison, Duanne Eddy, Eddie Cochran, 

Gibson Barney Kessel / 

Burns Marvin / 
Hank B Marvin, Bruce Welch, Mark Knofler, Elvis Presely, 

As a Burns freak - lover we connect the Signature Burns Marvin model´s with the legendary Hank B Marvin, who unfortinutly also play´d a fiestared Fender Stratocaster. But will this mean that the musicstyle of the early 60´s is about the only kind of music you can play on a Burns Marvin? or a Fiestared Stratocaster?

Guitar magasin´s produce articles and print revues of all kind of guitar´s. Telling what´s good or bad, but one thing that strucks me is as soon as a Burns guitar is revued they write about the typical Marvin twangy sound. something they dont do when revueing a Strat.

And what about the Gibson LesPaul? LesPaul himself playing 40-50´s evergreens not to forget Mocking Bird Hill. Together with Mary Ford. The LesPaul guitar has been used by hundreds of popular guitarplayers around the world, mainly a Roch´n Roll Blues guitar.

Chet Atkins will forever be connected to the Gretsch Country Gentleman guitars, but not long before he went to guitar heaven was sign´d to Gibson with a couple of signature guitars.

 Barney Kessel, yet one more legendary guitarplayer used several different guitar´s but mainly Gibsons. So  there was a signature model called the Barney Kessel. Only a few have ever seen him play that model?

BB King famous with his Gibson ES 345 named Lucille, a blues-player.