torsdag 25 april 2013

Accordion- eller de ska va dragspel

Already in me youth I came in contact with some kinds of accordions. Instruments play´d by ole folk at local dances. Mainly in valtz or some other obscure dance. 

"Gnesta-Kalle" famous accordionplayer in Sweden

I even learn´d how to make the darn thing sound.  On the other hand I knew that I never will become a rockstar with a bloody  big instrument hanging on me shoulders. I went for the guitar and almost forgot about all kinds of accordions, even if I sometimes tested such an instrument.

The ole folks seams to leave for accordion heaven togher with their instruments and hardly ever your hear someone play em. Well now adays in Sweden there is actually a couple accordion player. the great Bengan Jansson a true entertainer and also Ex ABBA Benny Andersson. Both of them play accordion.

Bengan Jansson - accordionplayer and entertainer of today

Benny Andersson - ex ABBA

suddenly there it was a hug black accordion of the Swedish Hagström brand. Hagström may today be worldwide know for their electric guitar in various styles. But they started of a makers of good accordions. Later on their imported accordions mainly from Italy with their brand name on.

It was such an Italian made accordion that suddenly came in my way, and a minute or so later I was the proud owner of a huge accordion. 

A first test was set up, did everything work as it was intended. how did it sound? A couple of hours later I knew for sure it really was a great accordion. 

In hope to find a value of this once extremly expensive accordion I called a few specialsist in this today somewhat small market. 
but it seams that My new accordion made in the late 70´s or early 80´s was worth keeping. 

måndag 8 april 2013

making music

A simple chord on the guitar, strummed in a special way may sometime´s be the little thing that make´s it possible for me to write a new song. 

Most of the time it´s a word or a couple of word´s that together as a sentence form the first part of a song. But this song started of with a chord.

The E-minor chord strummed on the top strings, altered with a F# bass. Hmmm that seams to sound great! 
Bar after bar is written down, different chords added to the first E minor. Suddenly I realise that the first verse and chorus is 32 bars long. What the hell is this?

At this stage I do know exactly how I want my new song to be, a mix between opera and theme song from a religios movie. Millions of violins that fade out exchanged for heavy hard beating drums and distorted guitars.

A voice so clear and bright, it seams to cut the air in half´s. In some kind of midevil  song.