tisdag 18 mars 2014

Back home!

Finally We was back home, home where everything seam to be normal by a Swede. There in UK people seams to live in a different way. Even if we do  share the same culture? anyway it´s home is always home.

In the luggage was as You may already know a brand new Burns guitar! Already since I first saw the Burns Bison-64 reissue I was wishing that I some day could try one out. And natuarly I wanted one in my small guitar collection. Anyway counting each pound in our budget it was clear that if I found a nice guitar, I could buy it.

Me freind Markku had already sent me money in hope that I could find the possibility to buy a Burns Cobra on his behalf. We went to Bristol and a couple of blocks from the shopping centre was RICAXXE music shop situated. An authoriside Burns dealer. 

At arrival to Ricaxxe I realised that he did have several Burns guitars in stock. But not the Bison guitar. I asked him and He told that a black Bison-64 was arriving on monday!

Natuarly we stay´d the weekend in the nice town of Bristol and first thing monday morning I was back at Ricaxxe. There it was, and the deal was done.

How come Barry Gibson uses cheap looking Fender knobs on the Marquee line and Bison-64´s? On my behalf I cant understand this. Mainly cause it make Burns guitars looks partly as some kind of Fender copies, even if they not are!

Once at home with me new guitar it was set up and adjusted to make it if possible even better then it was at delivery. A set of knobs taken from a 60´s Burns amplifier was used, and suddenly the guitar ws much more of a Burns. 
A mail was sent to Barry Gibson in hope that I could buy a complete set of proper knobs for me new guitar. Unfortinutly for me and maybe for Barry the cost of em was 68,oo pound!! 
If I wanted Fender, Gibson even Gretsch knobs it would have cost me less then 20,oo. this for an item that in my oppinion should have been fitted from factory.

Yesterday three orginal Marvin-Bison knobs was fitted and after grinding the switchknobs the guitar looked exactly the same as the original 1964-65 Burns Bison.

The result on my behalf is stunning!!


Three new Burns modeles was show at the music messe in Germany. 
the Burns Marquee  R2 with twin humbucker pickups that seam to have been constructed by mounting 2 RezOTube pickups together.

the Burns Marquee R3
2 x RezOTube humbuckers and one singelcoil.

and the entirely new Burns Dual Sonic.
with one humbucker and one singelcoil. the guitar as such seams to be a Tele design.

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