lördag 2 mars 2013

Music whyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!


I was a couple of day´s ago faced with the fact that I almost lost my hearing on me left ear. Some how trying hard to write the most fantastic song in the world that would make me both famous and rich, I contintue writing music that almost no one will ever hear. Well maybe when I´m dead my kids will listen to some songs and realised that their father spent hour´s, day´s even monthes in his attemt to write the one and only great song.

So here I was with no hearing on me left ear, every sound coming out from my music system trying hard to show me what I acomplished just a few minutes before sounded like pure shit. Left channel did not have any treble, well midrange and bass was also crap. 

When there is problems at least I try hard as hell to find a proper sollution. The thing in my ear, vax is some kind of grease. Grease can be degreased with a solution made for the purpose. So with no medical gadgets in the house, I filled me ear with washingcream for plates, and fryingpans. Does it work with that kind of grease it might well cure me ear.

It didnt!!  The following day I went to the pharmasist and bought a small bottle och problem-solver. At first attemt it did´nt work at all. Still no hearing on me left ear, but I didnt give up that easy, so the next morning I made yet another attemt to get cured.

Praise the Lord, suddenly i could once again hear.

so I went back to the studiogadgets and tried hard to get the proper sound out of this magnificient recording of yet another new song. 

Somehow the idea to a new song pops up in my mind, and nothing in the world can stop me from writing, and composing untill the song is ready. Long before the last note is placed on a blank sheet of paper and the last word is written I know exactly how the song would sound as a finished product. It keeps playing in my mind. Not that many times but still sometimes I end up with a song that I actually think is good. Sometimes even great, but as I wrote earlier, no one will ever know!!

the feeling when a song is almost ready, the first recording is complete is in fact similar to the feeling I had the honour to have when becoming a father.

couldnt deny you readers this nice dress, 
dont know the girl inside and to be honnest i dont bother 
about her, but for sure I would enjoy if my love was dressed in it.

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