tisdag 26 mars 2013

music shop shopping

In comfort behind the wheel of me car I went out in hope to wisit a couple of music shops. 

Me first stop was at Hellbound Music in hope to find a nice Burns Split Sonic Bass- Well there it was, a realy nice bass still with main part of its redburst colour intact. (they tend to become brown). Here the asking price was app 1000,oo£. The bass was almost original, the knob to the switchcircuit was exchanged and the coverplate was missing. Oterwise it show off to be a nice bass.

A block away i entered the premesis of "Halkans vintage guitars" Already in the shop window I found a rare item in the form of a original set of Burns guitarstrings in a black package. Whow! Inside the shop I found the Baldwin Shadow bass unsold and a highly modified Jazz Splitsound.

Asking about the stringpackage He let me in to the inner rooms. There was yet another Split Sonic Bass in what seamed to be great condition. A case with Split Sonic guitar was reveal´d and inside it a Split Sonic guitar in mint condition. 

It did look as new, and in the case was not one but three sets of original Burns guitar strings. I didnt dare to ask about the price of the guitar, but I do imagin its expensive.

The roundtrip continued and He show´d some of those guitars that was in his private collection. A collection of Fenton-Weill guitars. A brand of guitars link´d to Jim Burns.

Leaving the shop I went to Gitarraffären just to realise that the nice Green Marvin de luxe was sold at its price of 1600,oo£.

A nice day searching for Burns guitars in Stockholm.

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