måndag 18 mars 2013

Busy in the kitchen

A week ago me nice Bjärton J-65 fell down and the reinforcement in top. Suddenly there was caused by the cold outside time enough to repair it. Our kitchen caused by the cosy warm feeling was used as me workshop.

So my attemt to repair the guitar begun, and after a couple of hours work the guitar was repair´d. After the glue had dry´d I actually once again hade a really nice western guitar.

I then realised that there was yet another guitar hanging on the wall, so I went ahead and dismantled the neck from me Ovation copy, that seam´d impossible to repair. With a string high´t of more then 1 inch.

After drying the guitar was in action. and even if it was´nt the greatest guitar in the world it still was a good guitar to play on.

Still remaining among the projects was me Bass. It was in need of a clearcoat of laquer and paint on its backside. A lot of sand-grinding and layers of filler. 

Then the first coat of laquer on the top and paint on its backsurface. I think it looks real good, its not a Burns for sure, just a cheap DIY bass but it both sound good with its 4 pickups and is a great player.

So tomorrow I´ll be back working on my car, and no more music work.

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