onsdag 2 oktober 2013

New recording of old song

Among hundreds of songs written I have to admit that only a few of them may be called good. Then sometimes a song that I written seam to penetrat my mind. I make new recordings of it in hope to get it better, or perfect.

So there it was, an idea of a song. Heard a song on the radio with a popular Swedish group. It made me wonder, why the hell could their sinple song with three notes be a HIT. So with the use of their three notes and two more I started to write me masterpiece!

Why not make a modern styled tune in the same manner as  Ravel´s - Bolero. 

So after an hour or so I set there with me guitar in hand and a song of no less then ten minutes. A song that was rather sweet and nice in the beguinning and reaching its peak during the 9th minute and ending sweet and soft.

As it seams to get colder everyday, working outside the house with cars can only be done at the afternoons while the sun is shining, so I used late evenings and even the hours before lunch to make yet another recording of this song.

You can listen to the demo following this link.

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