måndag 31 oktober 2011

a slightly mad world

For a long time by now Ive been thrilled by the impact of YouTube. With that in mind I´ve placed some of me own songs there. Natuarly in hope that somebody out there would appriciate em, maybe even like em.
Some of the songs are old recording performed by my band "pbp", those recordings at least have the benefit of great female voices, something I cant say regarding song performed by me self. I love to sing, but I would never consider me as someone with a great voice, not even a voice.
On the other hand what to do when Your mind tries to speak out what You wanna sing, and noone is there to assist. Well then its a matter of DIY and the rest is up to the listener. Mybe He or She like the song but not Me singing it. That, I can live with for sure.
As stated earlier many of my songs can be found at YouTube and natuarly from time to time (almost everyday) I check out the statistics telling -How many times someone actually listen to em.
Those figuers make me wonder, there is some songs that hardly ever been listen to, yet some of them would if not qualify for some kind of amatuer hit list. Ive listed em here, why I dont know but for some odd reason "shes a ponygirl have had 4000+ listeners!!??. Telling for sure theres a load of perferverts out there.
At this moment yet another song is beeing recorded and when its ready I might take it to YouTube.
One main reason for mer writing all those songs about the people in the BDSM-fetish world is mainly beacuse I regard it as a world filled with love, even if it may look different to what we normaly call love.

Dont make Him loose - 19
(performed by Jeanette M, excellent female singer)
Until that day - 22
(some kind of lovesong)
Along the road - 28
(the story of a girl in Denmark thats was forced to move)
I´m a bad,bad Girl - 37
(hmm, her I despreatly need a female voice)
He looks like Batman - 120
(the story of an old freind, today unfortinutly suffering from Alzheimers)
If theres a wall - 123
(this may be a nice battlesong for all perverts at the scene)
White Houses - 228
(curiosity thats for sure)
Slavegirl Blues - 249
(performed by Jeanette M)
S/M Interlude - 307
(my own answer to Ravels Bolero)
Prepare girl - 2011
(yet another lovesong to my life companion whom I love)
She´s a Ponygirl - 4407
(well this ones a bit naughty, and fun)

all songs can be listened to if you search for em at YouTube.
have fun, life is great.

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