tisdag 13 december 2011

Rock n Roll gadgets

Auctions on the net seams to be the new perfect place to buy and sell old worn things, and natuarly websites like ebay is an important website for me. Is there a possibility to find and buy a nicce old Burns guitar, an amplifier from the 60-ies or some of the other things that still is to be found om me wishing-list to Santa.

In Sweden at least theres a saying, not to cry over spilled milk (not to cry over things that you once owned) but then again maybe you could find them on ebay. Maybe the nice TEAC 4 track redorder?

Anyway to take a step back on memory lane i´ll sometimes start wondering why, instead of crying.
Hagström guitar amplifier with twin inputs,
made it possible to both use it for a guitar and a vocal microphone.
10 watts of tube power

As a youngster I started with a cheap electric guitar plugged in to the family old tube radio. Dreaming of a real guitar amplifier and more output power. On my behalf it lead to a 10 watt Hagström.

Family of 60-ies VOX amps,
a dream for most bands in the 60-ies.

Clips with the Beatles, the Shadows and all the other bands gave us the real thing. A VOX amp, and in the mid 60-ies I bought a VOX AC30. Half a year later it was swapped to the even larger AC50!! Top of the line in my world of guitar amplifiers. By this time noone wanted a Hagström amp, even the German Dynacord amps often used for the vocals was out of date.

Suddenly there was this new types of amplifiers, even VOX started to make solid state transistor amplifiers. All leading to the old tube amps was ready for the junkyard.
the Dynacord Jazz, tube amp with 20 watts.
common in Sweden by the time.

Those tubeamplifiers was never silent, there was always a disturbing humming sound coming from them and bad earthconnection. So everyone went for new state of art silent transistor amps.

Today those state of art, solid state transistor amplifiers are scrap and only sought after by collector who dont intend to use them, and top of the line is once again the tube amps with its sweeteer sound.

Burns Orbit Two,
transistor amp from the 60-ies.
20 watt solid state power, silent.

And so suddenly theres a 40+ year old Burns amplifier on sale at UK ebay, after a bit of struggle and help from an english freind we did win that auction and soon this old amp will arrive to Sweden. (maybe it even works).

Burns Bizon 1963 and a Burns Orbit Double Twelve amp.
50 watts of solidstate transistor power.

Mean time I found a nice old 8 channel mixer unit on a Swedish auctionsite, and suddenly became owner of that old useful gadget for the price of 90,oo skr. (the price of 2 packs of cigerettes!) It even works,,,,

the Wolfes with a complete Burns stack of amps and guitars.
Today extremly rare to find!!

So todays blogsite is about finding and buying back that sound of the 60-ies and hopefully recreate it in my home.

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